Monday, January 04, 2016

What's your answer?

 Have you ever pondered or considered the heart blending question? 

“What do you see when you don't see anything!”

This struck my mind on this Saturday morning and I began to think on it to such an extent. So much that it continues going by my brain from time to time. Furthermore, neither would I be able to locate an appropriate thinking to bolster my spirit with it. 

How do you consider it? I asked a few individuals the same inquiry including my sibling; who let me know "Darkness" at initially joined by two different answers-'The anxiety to see' or 'Suffocation'. Probably it is in a way right; while I got no answers from the other two individuals to whom I brought up the same issue.

The question is now a serious eyebrow raiser for me. What do you see when you don't see anything?

On one point of view, the visually impaired can be thought about and then again the ordinary people like us, who can see the ecstasy and indefinite quality of everything must be contemplated.

It all depends upon the imagination and perception of living forces! Anyway this question has become a thought provoking one to stir my brain. Why don't you try answering the question? Can you let me know your answers please?

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