Tuesday, May 18, 2021


 The feeling is strong but obscure!

How traumatized life can be at-times. We carry the past pangs of strife, we are destined to carry as a sole reminder to make us feel that 'it' existed at one point of time in our lives.

Something that made us feel bad about ourselves, something that made us point fingers to blame ourselves, something that made us to cover the scars  that we had earned in the onward journey of life! Even something that made us evolve finally into an ungrateful biped or an emotional fool through the severities of life.

The journey of life is subtle. Yet the paths through which it leads us are beyond words. By the time we watch and understand the drama of our life, we will be an unknown story for the world. 

As we all hold many untold secrets,which we carry to our graves....



  1. Sir i a big fan of you you are a brilliant and hence its name genesis

  2. Many lovers are suffering and want to ask the question, what can they do to bring back the love of their lives?
