Tuesday, August 16, 2016


 We stood this much closer!
My lips close to her ears,
To murmur those words
That might have taken her to ecstasy.
Though the flames engulf everything,
My love for her couldn't burn down outwardly.
It burned inside me,
Leaving my heart ache
Each and every moment,
I saw or stood beside her.

There was a need on my part,
To let her know that,
I fell not in love with her body
But in her soul and the 
Words she spoke.
Though I could never assure
Whether she loved me;
But I knew it from her eyes,
That unspoken love she always bore.

Yet we remained apart ,
In distances immeasurable
And in silent voyages;
Journeying through the limelight of life.
Oblivious as to whether we 
Might open up or if it so happens,
Whether we may be bonded as

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Monsoon Diaries-VII# Smell of rain

I sat outside in the balcony of my home, to see and feel the rains pass down in a hurry and the wind blowing at it's rage. My dog sits near my leg and enjoys what I have been feeling for the past ten minutes.

It's beautiful...the showers that nature bestows on the bare earth.

I can barely tell you since when I felt the rain or I sensed it's smell.
Maybe the rain is trying to play with me by sprinkling its drops over me. I don't try to block it either instead thrusts my face to feel it. My dog seems to be irritated by the water falling over him. He shakes its off and stands behind my chair, reckoning me to go inside.

I, on the other hand sits on the chair, determined to get soaked in rain. But all of a sudden, I can smell something too. The pleasant smell that it brings forth after a long gap of rainy days. As of now, it still lingers in my nose; not having the faintest idea why it's not leaving me....

Maybe I have craved for it, for a long time. The rain and its smell....

Friday, August 05, 2016

Monsoon Diaries-VI# A lover of rain.

When the rain returns,
I shall forget my love!
Because I'm a Pluviophile
Wedded to the seasonal rain.
I open my windows to feel him,
To be touched and be sprinkled
By his cool drops.
I lay cuddled with my blankets,
                     Facing him fall down in  drops over me.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

My mind speaks to me and that's bizarre!

                                                          For me mankind is still a mystery. A mystery to which answers are uncertain. I think too much. Too much so that it leads me to deviate from the usual way of the cliche thinking to something tagged as 'bizarre ' by people.

I don't understand why the human race fights for securing ranks and position. Neither do I understand the meaning of being someone who craves for the worldly materialistic and lustful needs. 

Why should a person be educated? To be left in the middle of nowhere with no jobs to suit him/her for being over educated? Or such that one has traded bundles of Gandhi to those degree selling Institutions which stands proudly claiming we are ‘affiliated’. Education has become a market and schools & other educational institutions aim not in providing better quality education rather end up just on reading the textbooks and the customary tradition of 'Exams'. Joke of civilization! 

Why should a human being have disgust for another being? Has the world and its creatures reduced itself to such a thing that it has paved way for degrading its own worth? Just because your neighbor is poor or he is not having an elite job or that he doesn't fall in the creamy layer of the society, should he be shoved aside? Compassion and empathy are mere terms to use now.

Why on earth is the phenomenon of 'Society' hunting down each and every activity that one does or needs nods to approve another person's interest? 'Society, Society, Society'- A slogan that rings in ears for whatever the reason maybe. Since when did the democratic right of a person got tied to a stake and being made to answer the questions to satiate their thirst.

If the human race evolved from the so called apes or monkeys, it is not a novelty that they exhibit the inherent traits of them most of the time. The world wants power, money, positions, wealth, huge bank balances, etc. But as one gets more, the greater is the need to seek and possess more. After all man has to remind himself, at certain points that he is a mortal and that whatever he earns are left on the bare earth; from where he gathered them. What use are all these titles and public shows of display and poshness.

That's why we have a demarcation between people as the 'Rich & Poor.'